Maf Cheung
Maf Cheung's paintings have been selected for the Asian Illustration Annual Awards several times and have been exhibited in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia. She has participated in many projects such as the Hong Kong Illustrators Association, Sino Group, Greenpeace, Warner Bros, Wacom, Tianqu Gallery, etc., and has been exhibited in Central Market, Her illustrations and animation works are exhibited at venues such as PMQ and the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Big Screen. It has collaborated with a Japanese winery to
She started creating the "Hong Kong Giant Animals Series" in March 2022. In the past six months, she has completed the mural creation at Tai Po Tai Yuen Market with Link and launched two rounds of clothing illustration designs with Ginger. Currently, more than 3,000 pieces have been sold.
In the first year, we held a joint exhibition focusing on the ocean with Greenpeace at PMQ; we collaborated with CUP Media to launch a personal painting album for sale at the Hong Kong Book Fair.
- Invited by Greenpeace HK to exhibited in PMQ about ocean
- Artwork exhibited in 天趣畫廊畫展「人間氣場」Exhibition
- Artwork exhibited in HKSI x HKICS 「青春與夢想」 Exhibition
- 7-3JAN Hong Kong Society of Illustrators in Central market
中環街市 「傳承.過年」 插畫展
- 19-21APR Booth in Hong Kong International Licensing Show 2023
- 29-30OCT
ACGHK Lifemart X Hong Kong Society of Illustrators, 「插畫師的狂或野」 畫展 and「今日出版」booth showcase artwork and consignment
- 13-14AUG Art + Tech Exhibition by Nexxcreate in Central market, artwork digital showcase
- July Exhibited artwork in ACGHK 2022 on Hong Kong Society of Illustrators, theme: 宇宙中畫的呼喚
Nov - 2021 Apr
- Final 6 selected for the commission individual project in 'Feel the motion' motion graphic workshop launched by eMotionLAB and Sino Group with honor to display on big screen at Tsim Sha Tsui centre and Empire Centre
- Selected in Asia illustration Annual Awards 2019. Exhibited in Shanghai and Taiwan.
- Selected in Asia illustration Annual Awards 2018. Honor to exhibit artworks in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China
- Proudly exhibited in 粵港澳•畫時代——粵港澳區灣區插畫協會會員作品展 in Shenzhen Guan Shanyue Art Museum
- Selected in Asia illustration Annual Awards 2017. Honor to exhibit artworks in Taiwan, Malaysia and Japan Kobe
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